Meditation for SkepticsYou don’t have to be a spiritual type to gain more control over your mind6d ago6d ago
How a note taking app changed my productivity gameA few months ago, I was scrolling through my recommended feed on YouTube when I came across this video talking about Obsidian, a free note…Jan 24, 20222Jan 24, 20222
Welcome to a new ERA of reproducible publishingThis article was originally published on eLife Labs on Aug 24, 2020, and is republished here for archival and preservation reasons.Aug 24, 2020Aug 24, 2020
Reproducible Document Stack: Towards a scalable solution for reproducible articlesThisa article was originally published on eLife Labs on May 22, 2019, and is being reproduced here for archival and preservation purposes.May 22, 2019May 22, 2019
Introducing eLife’s first computationally reproducible articleBlending the traditional manuscript with live code, data and interactive figures, we showcase a new way for researchers to tell their full…Feb 20, 2019Feb 20, 2019
Welcome to eLife 2.0We’re moving the online journal forward, and we hope you’ll join us on our journey.Jun 1, 2017Jun 1, 2017
Designing Progressive Enhancement Into The Academic ManuscriptThe academic manuscript is evolving into a complex, deeply interconnected digital artefact. We need to consider a design strategy to…Feb 2, 2017Feb 2, 2017
On VR, Exclusivity, and Misdirected OutrageWhy timed exclusives are (temporarily) good for VR.Jun 21, 2016Jun 21, 2016
Published inAugmentlOn Oculus, Valve and Revisionist HistoryOriginally posted on, 26th May 2016.May 26, 20161May 26, 20161
My Less Than Perfect Demo. Or, How I Came To Love The HTC Vive.I was given the opportunity to take their HTC Vive for a spin. I was not impressed. At first.Dec 17, 2015Dec 17, 2015